Unless you’ve been living under a rock, I am sure that you realize that tomorrow is election day. Voting for our President is not a task that should be taken lightly, and is definitely something that every American who is old enough should take pride in doing. Whoever is voted into office has the power to effect the trajectory of the real estate market in many ways. For those who are still undecided on their vote, I’ve taken the liberty of finding a couple of comparison charts that are as unbiased as possible to link up today. So, if you’re still undecided, check it out:

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, I am sure that you realize that tomorrow is election day. Voting for our President is not a task that should be taken lightly, and is definitely something that every American who is old enough should take pride in doing. Whoever is voted into office has the power to effect the trajectory of the real estate market in many ways. For those who are still undecided on their vote, I’ve taken the liberty of finding a couple of comparison charts that are as unbiased as possible to link up today. So, if you’re still undecided, check it out:
The first comparison chart considers not only Obama and Romney, but also independent candidates Virgil Goode (Constitution Party), Gary Johnson (Libertarian Party), and Jill Stein (Green Party). The chart is produced by ProCon.org which is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit public charity. It compares the candidates views on 75 issues and provides a link on the left hand side to compare Vice Presidential candidates Biden and Ryan on 30 issues.
The second comparison chart is published by diffen.com which is a socially powered site that compares anything, according to their tagline. This chart compares only Obama and Romney, but also allows users to comment.
Whatever you do, get out there and vote tomorrow. By all analysis, this is going to be a close election and every vote counts, so let your voice be heard.
Thinking of buying or selling a home in Sussex County? Give us a call at Cooper Realty Associates and put us to work for you – 302-629-6693.