If you are trying to sell your home then you definitely don’t want to turn off potential buyers as soon as they walk into your home. In order for your home to show as well as it possibly can, there are several things you should clean up and put out of sight (out of the house, if possible!) to help your home show off its best features

If you are trying to sell your home then you definitely don’t want to turn off potential buyers as soon as they walk into your home. In order for your home to show as well as it possibly can, there are several things you should clean up and put out of sight (out of the house, if possible!) to help your home show off its best features. According to a survey of house hunters and their agents, pet stuff and toys/baby stuff top the list of things that buyers don’t want to see (or smell!) when they walk in your house. When it comes to pets, they really shouldn’t even know that you have one. Potential buyers with allergies may not even give your home a fair shot if they know about your animals. Even though it’s inconvenient to make arrangements for your pets and their things every time there is a showing, it really is important if you want to get your home sold. When it comes to the baby stuff, you should have a dedicated area for storing your children’s things, such as a large toy chest or two. Then, when you have a showing you can just shove everything in, close the lid, and be done! Clear baby clutter such as bottles, sippy cups, pacifiers, etc. off counters and tables and put it out of sight!
Speaking of clutter… that’s another big turn off. I know I’ve said it before, but it really is important to clear clutter off the kitchen counter, including any small appliances, wash and put away dirty dishes, and put away personal items. It is equally important to clear clutter and stow personal items in the bathroom. And when it comes to the bathroom, keep the sink and toilet cleaned at all times, and keep the toilet seat and lid down! Nobody wants to see a dirty toilet when they are imagining their dream home!
Of course, its difficult and sometimes impossible to keep your house in tip-top shape when you’re trying to sell, but it really is worth the time and effort invested to get the best offer on your home and quickly as possible!
Thinking of buying or selling a home in Sussex County? Give us a call at Cooper Realty Associates and put us to work for you – 302-644-2266!