Holiday Entertaining Tips

Have you planned a holiday get together or are you thinking about it? Here are some tips to help:

Have you planned a holiday get together or are you thinking about it?  Here are some tips to help:

1.  Timing is everything.  If you’ve waited too long to book your holiday party, most likely everyone is booked up.  Sunday afternoons tend to be good times for a get together because most people are booked on Fridays and Saturdays.  Another option is to go with the week between Christmas and New Years.  Technically it’s still holiday season, but most people are in a post-Christmas lull by that point.

2.  Set a theme.  If you take the time to set a simple theme everything else including music, décor, and food will fall into place much more simply.

3.  Consider the flow.  Be sure to consider the flow of your home when you set up for a party.  For maximum efficiency you should set your buffet in the main room with plenty of space to walk around it.  If possible place drinks in a separate room and set bowls of snacks all around.

4.  Take advantage of nature.  Take advantage of the natural beauty and scent of winter greens and other local flowers.  For an added touch, sprinkle shiny Christmas bulbs throughout.

5.  Soften your lighting.  For a festive glow, switch your normal light bulbs for gold, red, green, blue, and/or silver.

Thinking of buying or selling a home in Sussex County?  Give us a call at Cooper Realty Associates and put us to work for you – 302-644-2266.

December 12, 2012

“It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have education without common sense.”  Robert Ingersoll  “It seems the more educated a person the less common sense he has.”  (Fred)


Fred’s Pick of the Day is MLS # 598873-$425,000.  This Georgetown, DE custom home has 4 BR, 3 BA in 2887 sq. ft. on 1.08 acres with granite, hardwoods, fireplace, custom cabinets and conditional use approval for a professional office. Call me to see this home @ 302 258-6983.

Go Vote!

If you haven’t already voted, stop reading right now and go do so!

If you haven’t already voted, stop reading right now and go do so!  This election is shaping up to be one of the closest in history, and that’s saying something since the 2000 election was decided by just over 500 votes in the state of Florida!  If you’re still undecided, check out yesterday’s post for some great information on the issues.  If you aren’t sure where you should vote, check out this link and find out.  Whatever you do, go cast your vote!

Thinking of buying or selling a home in Sussex County?  Give us a call at Cooper Realty Associates and put us to work for you — 302-856-6434.

Prepare to Vote!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, I am sure that you realize that tomorrow is election day. Voting for our President is not a task that should be taken lightly, and is definitely something that every American who is old enough should take pride in doing. Whoever is voted into office has the power to effect the trajectory of the real estate market in many ways. For those who are still undecided on their vote, I’ve taken the liberty of finding a couple of comparison charts that are as unbiased as possible to link up today. So, if you’re still undecided, check it out:

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, I am sure that you realize that tomorrow is election day.  Voting for our President is not a task that should be taken lightly, and is definitely something that every American who is old enough should take pride in doing.  Whoever is voted into office has the power to effect the trajectory of the real estate market in many ways.  For those who are still undecided on their vote, I’ve taken the liberty of finding a couple of comparison charts that are as unbiased as possible to link up today.  So, if you’re still undecided, check it out:

The first comparison chart considers not only Obama and Romney, but also independent candidates Virgil Goode (Constitution Party), Gary Johnson (Libertarian Party), and Jill Stein (Green Party).  The chart is produced by which is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit public charity.  It compares the candidates views on 75 issues and provides a link on the left hand side to compare Vice Presidential candidates Biden and Ryan on 30 issues.

The second comparison chart is published by which is a socially powered site that compares anything, according to their tagline.  This chart compares only Obama and Romney, but also allows users to comment.

Whatever you do, get out there and vote tomorrow.  By all analysis, this is going to be a close election and every vote counts, so let your voice be heard.

Thinking of buying or selling a home in Sussex County?  Give us a call at Cooper Realty Associates and put us to work for you – 302-629-6693.

Post-Storm Insurance Tips

In the wake of hurricane damage many of us are dealing with insurance claims.  Here are five tips to make the process smoother:

1.  Know the difference between your deductible and a hurricane deductible.  Your deductible is the amount that you, as homeowner, must pay for damages before you insurance kicks in.  Usually this is either $500 or $1,000.  Hurricane deductibles are usually much higher and range between 1%-5% of the home’s insured value.  So if your home is insured for $200,000, your hurricane deducible can be anywhere from $2,000-$10,000 depending on your policy.

2.  Know whether or not you have flood coverage.  Standard policies cover wind damage and damage from wind driven rain, but flood-related losses aren’t usually covered unless you’ve got flood insurance.

3.  Tree damage should be covered.  Most standard homeowners policies should cover damages from fallen trees onto fences, garages, homes, sheds, and other property.  However, if a neighbor’s tree damaged your property or your tree damaged a neighbor’s property who’s coverage kicks in depends on the situation.  Typically whoever “owned” the tree is responsible for the damages, but of course there are exceptions to every rule.

4.  Car insurance matters too.  If your car was damaged by flood water or a fallen tree it should be covered if you have comprehensive insurance.  If you only have liability insurance, however, damages to your vehicle will not be covered.

5.  Look into disaster assistance.  If your home is within a federally declared disaster area you may be eligible for government assistance.  This assistance comes in the form of loans and grants and requires the purchase of flood insurance for the life of the loan.

Thinking of buying or selling a home in Sussex County?  Give us a call at Cooper Realty Associates and put us to work for you – 302-856-6434.

Thursday Three: 3 Tips for Dealing with Hurricane Clean-up

I can’t believe it’s November already! For the many out there now dealing with Hurricane clean-up here are a few tips from people who have been in your shoes:

I can’t believe it’s November already!  For the many out there now dealing with Hurricane clean-up here are a few tips from people who have been in your shoes:

1.  Safety first.  Don’t start clearing debris and downed trees/branches from your yard until you are totally sure that there are no downed power lines nearby.  For large, hanging limbs, cleanup is best left to a professional.  For smaller branches you should cut them back to the trunk or main limb and discard.

2.  Disinfect immediately.  The longer your floors and walls stay moist the more likely it is that mold will grow.  Begin by pumping out all standing water immediately.  You can get a utility pump at most home improvement or hardware stores.  Once the water is gone scrub all surfaces that came into contact with floodwater with bleach.

3.  Protect yourself.  If you’re struggling in Sandy’s aftermath I am sure that you first instinct is to get your life back to normal as quickly as possible, but don’t let your safety be overtaken by your desire for normalcy.  Make sure that you and anyone else involved in cleanup wears a mast and gloves at all times.  Also wear long pants, long sleeves, and boots.

Thinking of buying or selling a home in Sussex County?  Give us a call at Cooper Realty Associates and put us to work for you – 302-629-6693.

Post-Hurricane Update

According to the Sussex County government website, travel is difficult and treacherous throughout the area, as roads are flooded and covered in debris. The travel ban has been reduced to a Level I warning which means that travel is permitted but strongly discouraged. Travel into evacuation zones is still prohibited. Survey teams are out and about canvassing the area to determine the extent of the damage done. There are three shelters in place for anyone who has been displaced. They are Cape Henlopen High School (1250 Kinds Highway in Lewes) and Milford High School (612 Lakeview Ave in Milford) which are both accepting pets, and Indian River High School (29772 Armory Road in Dagsboro) which cannot accept pets. All County government offices and schools are closed, but businesses may reopen without limitations at their own discretion. Whatever you do today, just stay safe!

According to the Sussex County government website, travel is difficult and treacherous throughout the area, as roads are flooded and covered in debris.  The travel ban has been reduced to a Level I warning which means that travel is permitted but strongly discouraged.  Travel into evacuation zones is still prohibited.  Survey teams are out and about canvassing the area to determine the extent of the damage done.  There are three shelters in place for anyone who has been displaced.  They are Cape Henlopen High School (1250 Kinds Highway in Lewes) and Milford High School (612 Lakeview Ave in Milford) which are both accepting pets, and Indian River High School (29772 Armory Road in Dagsboro) which cannot accept pets.  All County government offices and schools are closed, but businesses may reopen without limitations at their own discretion.  Whatever you do today, just stay safe!

Thinking of buying or selling a home in Sussex County?  Give us a call at Cooper Realty Associates and put us to work for you – 302-644-2266.

October 30, 2012

Today we will update you on Sandy in Laurel, DE.  We were very very lucky to not have lost power.  We had no large trees down on the property, but many are waterlogged.  More heavy winds might change that.  The small stream behind our home is now a small lake but still away from the house.  Fred

October 29, 5PM

October 30, 9AM

5 Firewood Tips

It’s the time of year when lots of people have fires burning in their fireplaces, so here are five tips for dealing with firewood:

It’s the time of year when lots of people have fires burning in their fireplaces, so here are five tips for dealing with firewood:

1.  Know what a cord looks like.  A cord should be 4 feet high, 4 feet deep, and 8 feet long.  If you purchase your firewood by the cord, do your best to make sure that you are getting everything you pay for.

2.  Know the difference between “seasoned” and “green.”  Seasoned wood is dry and has been out in the open air for a while after its been cut.  Green wood still has a lot of moisture content so it burns cooler and is therefore not as efficient.

3.  Consider long term storage.  You should never store firewood against your house, but it should be kept in an area where it can be kept dry but still have access to the wind and sun.  The best option is a shed with open sides for air circulation but a roof and raised floor to protect the wood from absorbing rain and snow.

4.  Think about indoor storage.  Keeping a small amount of wood indoors makes it more convenient, especially if you are using your fireplace as an alternate heat source.  It is best to store about a weeks’ worth of wood indoors, if possible.  The basement or garage is an excellent option for indoor storage.  Just be sure that wherever you store your wood it is far from the fireplace or anywhere else where it could combust.

5.  Keep safe.  Of course you will want to store a very small amount of wood directly at your fireplace.  There are many options for storing this wood (some more attractive than others!), so you just have to find one that fits your style and needs.  However, do be sure to keep the wood far enough away that it won’t catch fire if sparks fly.  And never, ever, ever store kindling or other combustible materials near your fireplace.  Although it may be convenient it is not safe.  A home with a fireplace is lovely.  A home that catches fire because of the fireplace is just unsafe.

Thinking of buying or selling a home in Sussex County?  Give us a call at Cooper Realty Associates and put us to work for you – 302-644-2266.

October 8, 2012

“Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought.  Jonathan Swift  “It is amazing what the human mind can derive from the same stimuli.”  (Fred)


Today we celebrate Columbus Day.  After years of effort Columbus finally sailed from the Canary Islands on September 6, 1492.  After 29 days of sailing west they finally sighted land at 2 AM on October 12, 1492.  The land was one of the Bahamas Islands that Columbus named San Salvador.  And the rest is History.

September 11, 2012

Today’s food for thought is from Buddha:  “An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.”  “Great thinkers need great doers.”  Fred


Today we all should remember those events of 11 years ago.  That idea of using civilian aircraft as weapons was developed and put into action, and that idea changed our lives.  Most of the changes to our life style are negative.  The good old days are not always good but I long for the days when we did not have to be stripped naked by an x-ray machine to take an airline flight.

If you live in Delaware, today is Primary Voting Day—PLEASE VOTE—DON’T SIT ON THE SIDELINES.

August 8, 2012

Today’s food for thought is from Ralph Waldo Emerson:  “Every artist was first an amateur.”  “The same thought pattern can be used in all occupations.”  Fred

Fred’s pick of the Day is MLS # 597562.  This unique home is actually a 19th Century Amish Barn brought from PA to Lewes, DE.  The 2100 sq. ft. 4 BR, 2BA home has 12’ ceilings with exposed beams, sitting areas, sun room and is energy efficient all for only $649,900.  Call me to see this home at 302 258-6983.


July 10, 2012

Today’s food for thought is from Maximilian Robespierre:  “The king must die so that the country can live.”  “When a leader of any sort feels he knows better than the people, it is time for his exit.”  Fred

Fred’s pick of the day is MLS # 596432.  Here is a luxury contemporary condo in downtown Lewes, DE.  The home has 2 BR, 2 BA, a private elevator, granite/SS kitchen, hardwood flooring, and a great master suite, all for only $529,000.  Call me to see this condo at 302 258-6893.  Fred


July 7, 2012

Today’s food for thought is from Michel de Montaigne:  “A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband.”  “I do not think this is accurate but it is an interesting observation, everyone turns a blind eye to certain situations as well as having selective hearing.”  Fred

Fred’s pick of the day is MLS # 595670.  This Oak Orchard, DE year round bungalow is available for only $65,000.  It boasts 2 BR, 2 BA, and a river view.  Lot rent is only $2500/yr.  Call me to see this home at 302 258-6983.  Fred

Thursday Three: 3 Things To Do Before Saturday

Thursday, July 5th – Free Family Movie
Dolphin Tale will be playing tonight beginning at sunset on the Community Center Lawn in the Village of Five Points (Lewes). This will be the first of a series of summer movies that will continue every Thursday evening until August 9th. See this link for a complete schedule.

Since the holiday prevented us from our usual Weekend Update, we will be sharing some fun weekend activities as part of the Thursday Three & Friday Five this week!  First up… three things to do before Saturday!

Thursday, July 5th – Free Family Movie
Dolphin Tale will be playing tonight beginning at sunset on the Community Center Lawn in the Village of Five Points (Lewes).  This will be the first of a series of summer movies that will continue every Thursday evening until August 9th.  See this link for a complete schedule. 

Friday, July 6th-Sunday, July 8th: Rehoboth Beach Bandstand
As usual, some great entertainment can be found at the bandstand in Rehoboth this weekend.  Friday, July 6th you can enjoy the 287th Army Band De National Guard in their first ever performance at the bandstand!  The show is free and begins at 8pm. 

Friday, July 6th – Concert on the Green
Come down to the Community Center Lawn in the Village of Five Points (Lewes) at 7:30pm to enjoy a free show by Love Seed Mama Jump!

Looking to buy or sell a home in Sussex County?  Give us a call at Cooper Realty Associates and put us to work for you — 302-644-2266!

June 22, 2012

Today’s food for thought is from John Calvin:  “I consider looseness with words no less of a defect than looseness of the bowels.”   “A careless word can cause you and others endless difficulties.”  Fred


Fred’s Pick of the Day is MLS # 596493.  An income property in Delmar, DE with 6 2 BR, 1 BA units, is now only $150,000.  The property has a monthly income of $3000.00.  Call me at 302 358-6983,  if you want to see this opportunity.  Fred