I am a “gadget girl”….I love learning about the latest technology and how to use it to my advantage, both personally and professionally.
That’s why I am so excited about my new Motorola DROID mobile phone. I just got it this week, and I have had so much fun exploring all of the awesome things that it can do and all of the apps that I can download on it. This is my first “smart phone”, so now I have the capability of staying connected with my friends, family and clients 24 hours a day (well, except for when I sleep). I get my e-mail, stay in touch on FaceBook and Twitter, and I can do property searches all from the palm of my hand. There are so many applications available on this gadget, that I have only begun to “scratch the surface” of what a powerful tool this is going to be. One of first apps that I downloaded is called “Car Home” by Google maps. This app is an audible turn-by-turn direction navigation system. The accuracy is incredible!! This is an essential tool for me as a REALTOR. When I am showing properties to clients, I have to know where I am going Besides tools for work, I am having fun getting apps that are fun and apps that will help me get organized. I definitely could use some help in that department!!! One of the apps that will help me with being organized is called “Key Ring”. Do you ever get to a store where you have one of those membership cards that saves you money at the check out counter and you realize that you forgot your card, or you have lost it, or it has fallen off of your key chain? Well, “Key Ring” is an app that will end all of those problems. With this app, you simply scan in the barcode on the back of all of your cards, save it on your phone in one organized file, and when you are going through the check out counter the clerk simply scans your barcode right from your phone. It’s awesome!!! I registered all of my membership cards (12 of them) in 5 minutes. Now, I can de-clutter my key chain and my purse from all of those cards. No more fumbling around trying to find my card while people behind me are getting impatient
I can’t wait to find more applications to put on my new phone!! You can learn more about Connie and what she does here, www.Team-Cooper.com