Delaware and Bloom in Bed Together

!  I have been reading several
opinion pieces about the State of Delaware’s attempt to force Bloom deal down
our throats.  In case you did not know
Delaware has changed the definition of renewable energy to included natural
gas.  As geology minor, in college, I can
say with some authority that natural gas is a fossil fuel.


The problem is twofold.  First the state a declared that 25% of our
electricity has to be from renewable sources in the near future.  The second is jobs. Unfortunately, the powers
in Delaware decided to alter their own take on renewable.


Bloom makes a new type of electrical generation
equipment that is cutting edge TODAY, but is still powered by natural gas.  Delaware wants to lure them to manufacture
here.  That is OK, give them some
incentives. The deal that is shaping up is just dumb.  Bloom wants a 20+ year contract with Delmarva
Power to supply electricity to them under the guise of renewable energy.  This will help Delmarva Power meet their 25%
renewable requirement and allow Bloom to move and hire people in Delaware.  HOW SWEET IT IS!  It is just great except Delmarva Power
customers have to pay above market rates for this ”Renewable Energy”, for the
next 20+ years.


Stop this madness now.

Fred Sponseller

Too Big To Fail

I would like to again address the issue of “Too
Big to Fail”.  The easiest solution I can
think of is to amend the Sherman Anti-trust Act.  The amendment would be simple.  “No corporation or other entity be allowed to
control more than 10% of any market sector, in vertical or horizontal


Economies of scale be dammed.  The more companies or entities in business
the less chance that one or two failures will bring down the economy is greatly

Fred Sponseller

Bridgeville, Delaware

In the next few weeks Bridgeville, Delaware will
become to go to location in Sussex County.
Next  weekend, October 14-15 will
be the 20th annual Apple-Scrapple Festival.  The Smith Family apple orchards have been
north of town for 4 generations and Rappa Scrapple has been made in Bridgeville
since 1926.  This festival drew an
estimated 20,000 people last year as the weather was great.  There is something for everyone from a 5K
Hogg Jogg to a ladies Skillet Toss.  Come
enjoy the day


Next month is Pumpkin Chunkin, which is now
world famous..


Better Late Than Never

Better Late Than Never!!  For the past several years the Little League
Senior Softball World Series has been held in Roxana, DE.  This 10 team tournament, 6 US qualifiers and
4 international qualifiers, came down to teams from Laurel, De and Puerto
Rico.  The championship game was played
on August 13th and Laurel won 2-0.  CONGRATULATIONS GIRLS!!!  Whitney Toadvine, Sara Jo Whaley, Alexis
Hudson, Emily Puset, Erin Johnson, Alyssa Givens, Alison Pusey, Bree Venables,
Kortney Lee, Nicole Ullman, and Regan Green

Motor Cycle Helmets

Delaware’s Motor Cycle Helmet Law is again open
for debate.  I believe that all motor
cycle riders and passengers be required to have a helmet when riding a motor
cycle.  But the Libertarian in me, would
make wearing a helmet optional.
Insurance companies could have different  rates for people who wear helmets and those
who do not.


The same should be true for motor vehicle seat
belts.  They should be available to those
who want to use them, but it should not be illegal to not use them.  Again, insurance companies could charge
different rates for those who use seat belts and those who do not.  The police report for an accident usually
states if the parties in a car accident are wearing seat belts or in the case
of a motor cycle accident, It’s clear if the rider or passenger were wearing a
helmet or not.


It is time to get government out of our personal
lives, if people want to be stupid, the government cannot stop them.  Fred Sponseller


“It is one thing to show a man that he is in error, and another to put him in possession of the truth.” John Locke  “Truth is sometimes difficult to be communicated without bias.”  Fred Sponseller


“Education begins a gentleman, but reading, good company and reflection must finish him.”  John Locke  “Education creates a foundation and opens some doors, but experience fashions the structure.”  Fred Sponseller

Credit Unions

In a letter to the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs hearing on credit union lending, NAR urged lawmakers to pass S. 509, the “Small Business Lending Enhancement Act of 2011,” introduced by Sen. Udall (D-CO).  This bill would increase the cap on member business lending from 12.25% of total assets to 27.5% of total assets for well-capitalized credit unions.  This will increase access to credit for NAR’s commercial membership.

Make it So!!!

Congressional Reform Act of    2011
1.. Term Limits. 12 years only, one of the possible options below..

    A. Two Six-year Senate    terms

    B. Six Two-year House terms

    C. One Six-year    Senate term and three Two-Year House terms
2..  No Tenure / No Pension.

    A Congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out of  office.

3.. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security..  All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately.  All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people.
4.. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.
5.. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise.  Congressional pay will rise or fall by the lower of CPI or 3%.

6.. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

7.. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.
8.. All contracts with past and present Congressmen are void effective 1/1/12.

Fred Sponseller

Woodland Ferry Sagq

The Ferry has been outfitted with new thrusters and might be in service soon.  We have heard that before.  This million dollar boat just has not cut the mustard, it has been out of service more than in.

 The villain was fishing line caught in the thrusters.  Let’s hope they put screens on the intake side of the thrusters.  There is no way to get all of the fishing line out of the Nanticoke River.


The economy seems to be in slow motion.  Everyone is watching Washington to see the outcome of the debt ceiling debate.  This is the first time in my memory that this debate is not just a footnote on page 10 of the newspaper. 

How many water tight compartments were compromised before the unsinkable Titanic was doomed.  An iceberg does not have the smarts to avoid a collision.  The question is do our elective officials have the smarts to avoid the racing Titanic or do we go down with the ship?